W o m e n

Many believed in Him because of her testimony.

John 4:39

C O N N E C T  &  G R O W :
Opportunities for community and discipleship can be found below:
D I N N E R  &  A  P U R P O S E
"Dinner & a Purpose" is our gathering for women meeting three times this semester
(January 19, February 23 and March 30).

This environment is paired with Apples of Gold with cooking demonstrations and Bible study and features community, a cooking lesson / recipe, and a Jesus-focused time in the Word.

Click here to join us for this fun evening and to make your reservation at our table.
Reach out to Amber Adams by email (amber@rivertown.com) for info & location.
Childcare is by reservation only on our church campus in our kids area.
G R O U P S   F O R   W O M E N
Wednesday Midweek
Text Debbie Adams (904.343.2185) for more info

Sundays at 9am
Meeting on campus in the conference room
Text Amber Adams (904.412.9658) for more info

Additional Discipleship Groups (Meeting at Various Times & Various Locations)
Reach out to our Women's Ministry Leader Amber Adams 
to find a small group or discipleship group that is  right group for you.

S E R V E  &  S H A R E :
There are also plenty of ways to give back and serve through hospitality, teaching, investing in children, along with many other ways. Click here to discover how you can make a difference.
M O R E  A B O U T  U S :
We are so thankful for you! As women, God has given us all a nurturing role to invest in the next generation. Some of you are either raising children or caring for adults from multiple generations. We take care of God’s beautiful creation. We pour ourselves into others and God takes our efforts and worship of Him and accepts them as an offering.

RiverTown Church Women’s Ministry has the purpose statement:  Leading women to fully follow Jesus. We believe in cultivating a safe and encouraging environment that allows women to grow in their relationships with Jesus Christ. We believe in coming along side women to encourage them in their God given roles. Our theme verse is found in the Bible immediately after Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well and tells her that if she believes in Him for her salvation, she will never thirst again. “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony” John 4:39. Your testimony matters!

Our vision is sharing the gospel through hospitality and discipleship. Hospitality is opening our lives and everything we have to others and welcoming them in as Jesus welcomes us in to a relationship with His Father. Discipleship is leading others to fully follow Jesus.  

It is a privilege to worship, serve and build relationships here at RiverTown Church with you and for our Lord! We are so thankful for the opportunity to pour out our lives for you. If you are interested in serving on the women’s ministry team, please talk with Amber Adams.

Your RiverTown Women’s Ministry Team

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