Dinner and a Purpose AND Men's Night Sunday November 14th Register here

I ' M  N E W

S u n d a y  M o r n i n g s  at 10:30a.
A Sunday gathering you will enjoy, with good music and meaningful worship that is focused on Jesus.

Christ-centered teaching that is grounded in the Bible and driven by grace.

A place to connect with people to build friendships and find community
Groups on Sundays & throughout Jax. Both on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.

Environments to connect and grow.  All crafted to build healthy friendships,  disciple people grow spiritually, and to encourage in life.
Community service / mission opportunities both in Jax and around the world.

Opportunities to be equipped. Grow spiritually, be discipled and be trained to use your gifts and focus your life on what matters. Also, develop a partnership with our orphanage All Things New in Haiti and our other missions partners.
Fun and safe environments. Your kids, whether younger and older, will have a great time as they grow closer to Jesus and have their faith built.

Creative, Jesus-focused Bible-based teaching. All designed to build the faith and lives of your kids.

Family friendly. An opportunity to worship with your elementary age child(ren) in the first half of the service, followed by an age appropriate environment in the second half of the service.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you!  Fill out the form below to request more information about our church. A pastor or team member will reach out to you soon! We would love for you to join us this Sunday at 10:30a for some grace and hope ... and a whole lot of Jesus.